Dr. Steve Oswald
Steve has always been fascinated by the human body and movement. From a very young age, he knew he wanted to be in the medical field. Steve’s tipping point with selecting physical therapy as a profession was after his own rehabilitation experience, following a basketball injury that resulted in an ACL reconstruction. His personal experience with physical therapy was his catalyst for a passion in helping others improve their life experiences through optimizing movement quality and reducing their pain. Steve is a Perfomance Enhancement Specialist (PES) through NASM; he has a strong background in fitness and performance training, helping transition athletes and weekend-warriors back into activities they may be having difficulty performing. Steve services physical therapy in Boise.
Specialties: Neck, Spine, Shoulder, Elbow, TMJ, Vertigo, and Functional Dry Needling in Physical Therapy
Hobbies: Steve is an active outdoorsman, frequently hiking, mountain biking, camping, backpacking during the summer, while enjoying skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing during the winter months. Steve is also an avid sports fan, especially college football (GO BOISE STATE!). You can typically find Steve glued to a TV watching football, or in attendance of a game most Saturdays from September to December.