Benefits of Outdoor Exercise
Walking or running helps condition the body and improve blood circulation. Regular walking is associated with a healthier heart and a greater sense of well being. For those who like to run, the right running technique combined with appropriate footwear helps minimize injuries.
The Mechanics of Motion
If you plan on stepping outside to walk or run, expect your physical therapist to teach you the right ‘mechanics of motion’. With the proper walking and running technique, you can avoid injury and improve muscular endurance. Here are a few things to consider:
- The right degree of flexion in your knees and elbows is important to reduce strain on your joints.
- Posture is important. In fact, your entire technique is dependent upon your posture for efficiency and safety.
- An appropriate range of motion helps minimize injuries and improve running technique.
- Proper stride length is an important aspect of efficiency and injury prevention. Proper rhythm, or cadence, will help you to minimize injury by eliminating unnecessary overuse of your muscles.
- Coordination between your upper and lower body is an important aspect of running technique.
Each of these components plays a vital role in running technique. As you progress with each component, expect an improvement in your strength, efficiency, distance and possibly speed. With an adjustment of running technique and correction of muscle imbalances, the therapist will get you on your feet so that you can walk (and possibly run) if your body allows it.