Regain Muscle Control

Regain Muscle Control

The brain communicates with every part of your body via nerves; this includes muscles, joints, and various aspects of your skin. If anything along this path is disrupted, the nervous system communication with the muscles, joints, and skin is compromised. This means your muscles will not contract as efficiently as possible!

What may be preventing you from getting the most out of your exercise:
  1. Reduced sensitivity of joint receptors. This can impair feedback from the “end-point”(muscles) to the brain.
  2. Muscles imbalances. This can result in POOR movement patterns.
  3. Insufficient rest periods. Not resting enough (or resting too much) between sets can adversely affect recovery.
  4. Poor coordination due to a lack of balance. This results in further muscle imbalances.
  5. Impaired circulation. If this circulation limited, its communication with the muscles and joints is negatively impacted as well.

The nervous system controls all the muscles of the body. Unfortunately, the mind-muscle link tends to weaken over a period of time unless you challenge your muscles on a consistent basis.

Here are 5 solutions to regain control of your muscles:
  • Nurture the right mindset for exercise. Don’t set yourself up for failure. The right amount of concentration helps optimize the results from your exercise routine. If you want positive results you have to believe in yourself and your ability.  You can recreate your reality simply by believing that you can do it.  Learning how to give yourself a positive attitude with something as simple as an audio training system can put you in the mindset you need to create the body you want.  Once you begin to see success your mind will follow.  You have to learn to recognize, acknowledge, and commend yourself for even the smallest of accomplishments
  • Move in functional directions. This means multi-dimensional or 3-D movements. Remember to mix it up! This means that each of your exercises should encompass all motion; side to side, backwards and forwards, and rotational.  If you train with true to life movements and motions your muscles and nervous system are stimulated in a real, true to life manner.
  • Improve coordination by challenging yourself with new exercises. Every new exercise or movement pattern demands new pathways of “communication” between nerves and muscles.
  • Challenge your balance with core stabilization techniques. Ask your physical therapist to teach you the best exercises to improve your core stability.
  • Optimize your rest period between exercises. The results of this better circulation throughout your body are less pain, less swelling, and in the end loss of fat faster and seemingly easier.