Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction and Physical Therapy
The temporomandibular joint (also known as TMJ) is used throughout the day, during activities like talking, eating and chewing. This joint is located in front of the ear on either side of the head where the upper and lower jaws meet.
A dentist can evaluate the problem and may recommend a dental appliance or dental work. However, if TMJ dysfunction is associated with headache or pain in the jaw, neck or even shoulders, a referral to a physical therapist can be extremely helpful. The therapist will evaluate the jaw and mouth to determine the amount of mobility and tension in the surrounding muscles. This evaluation includes a detailed assessment of the jaw, mouth, and neck, which will serve as the foundation for an exercise program to address muscle imbalances. Strengthening, stretching, and relaxation techniques will help reduce pain and restore function. Untreated TMJ dysfunction can result in your impaired concentration, inability to chew food (leading to poor nutrition), difficulty sleeping and psychological distress. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, contact your physical therapist. TMJ imbalance can be treated successfully and your physical therapist can be your biggest ally in the recovery process. Contact us for more information