Dr. Kevin Wilson at St. Luke’s Family Health
Dr. Kevin Wilson, M.D.
St. Luke’s Family Health
(208) 887-4775
3140 W. Milano Dr. Ste 150
Meridian, ID 83646
Dr. Wilson is a family practice physician. Some special services he provides in his clinic include: acute care, laceration stitching, casting, fracture care, biopsies, and labs. To best serve his patients, he will do what he can to schedule them in the same day.
He treats patients from newborns on up. Although he enjoys working with all his patients, having six kids of his own, he especially likes working the youth and sports injuries. Dr. Wilson educates his patients so they understand their conditions and provides them with information and tools to treat it. He uses physical therapy whenever it is appropriate. In his spare time, you might see him outside of his clinic camping, fishing or coaching his kid’s basketball teams!