2 Proven Ways To Prevent Lower Back Pain From Golf And Play More Than Ever

Golf is a popular sport, and for most people, it’s their favorite activity when the sun is shining, and the weather warms up.
Not only is golf a great way to stay active, but you might also love golf because it gives you a chance to catch up with your friends, and recharge your batteries after a hectic week.
But what do you do when golf causes lower back pain?
Lower back pain that not only makes golf uncomfortable, and ruins your fun…
But also means you are in pain for days afterward, and often have to rely on pills (that you really don’t want to take) to numb the pain
In this blog, you can discover two ways to prevent lower back pain when playing golf, and allow you to return to the course as often as you like.
Is Your Back Pain Caused By Your Golf Swing?
Many recreational golfers have never had any golf coaching, and have built their golf swing mechanics through trial and error, advice from their buddies, and maybe watching some YouTube videos.
However, your golf swing could be the reason your lower back pain flares up during a round and leaves you in agony for days afterward.
The golf swing is a complex and repetitive motion that involves multiple joints and muscles, including the spine, hips, shoulders, and wrists.
And these repetitive twisting, bending, and rotational forces placed on the spine during the golf swing can strain the muscles, ligaments, and discs in the back, which often lead to pain and discomfort.
If you have a poor swing pattern – such as excessive trunk rotation, lateral bending, and reverse spine angle – you are at a much greater risk of back pain spoiling your fun.
Understanding the biomechanics of the golf swing and how it can impact the back is crucial in addressing and preventing back pain when playing golf.
The Power Of A Personalized Warm-Up Routine
Another common mistake that golfers make is that they fail to warm up correctly.
You might be rushing through a warm up, doing exercises and stretches that aren’t relevant for you, or you simply skip the warm up and head straight for the course.
But warming up – especially if you have a history of lower back pain – is vital to allow you to comfortably play 18 holes, and feel great when you sit down for a drink with your buddies in the clubhouse.
There are hundreds of exercises and stretches that you could include, but it’s important to pick the right ones.
First of all, we appreciate that you’re on the golf course to play golf.
Not to spend 25 minutes with an extremely long and complicated warm up routine.
Secondly, once you truly understand why your lower back becomes tight, stiff, and sore during a round of golf, you are able to identify a handful of exercises and stretches that will make the most difference.
So, having a personalized warm up routine means you can get in the best shape for golf, and don’t have to spend a lot of time doing it.
3 Quick & Easy Ways To Stop Back Pain And Stiffness Without Pills
For more expert advice on how to end back pain, you can download – for FREE – our popular report – 3 Quick & Easy Ways To Stop Back Pain And Stiffness Without Pills
This free report contains proven strategies that have helped our patients end their reliance on painkillers, avoid surgery, and get back to doing the things they love – whether that’s golf, exercising in the gym, or simply being able to make it through the day without agonizing back pain.
Download Your Free Back Pain Report
Speak To The Back Pain Experts In Boise And Meridian
With four physical therapy clinics across Boise and Meridian, we’ve grown an unrivaled reputation and track record for treating back pain fast.
But we appreciate you may be skeptical about physical therapy – after all, you’ve already tried lots of things to fix your back pain so why would this work any better?
To help you answer that question, and discover for yourself what the best, natural treatment options are for your back pain, we offer a limited number of Free Discovery Visits.
In this free appointment, you can speak to an expert member of the team, who will listen to your story and give your personalized advice.
Many people who attend discovery visits talk about how nice it is to feel heard, and leave much more confident and feeling in control of their health.
To arrange yours, simply complete our simple webform, or call us on 208-939-0533 now.
More Free Expert Advice For Fixing Back Pain
Read our blog – Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain At Home
Read our blog – The Top 5 Ways Proper Posture Can Help Alleviate Back Pain
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